Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Entry 46 - Passed the SCJP

I passed my SCJP certification today, yahoo!!!  Finally I can relax and not worry about not passing it.  I was actually not that confident that I could pass it eventhough I've been a Java developer for about 6 years now.  I was having a hard time memorizing all the intricacies of the language, as I mostly use an IDE that handles all these things for me.  The exam was for 3 hours but I finished it in about 1 and a-half hours.  I was thinking of reviewing the test items since I had a lot of time left but I decided not to.  I was thinking that if I did a rundown of the items, there were some items that I was not so sure and I may end up changing some of them when in fact they were already correct.  Well, I guess it was the correct move as I passed the exam, got 76% of the test questions right.  Not that high of a score but still far from the 58% passing grade.

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